8th GLTN Partners Meeting 2020
The 2020 GLTN Partners’ Meeting happens at a vulnerable and critical time in the recent human history. The global pandemic has posed tremendous challenges on governments, even more so in developing countries.
The 2020 GLTN Partners’ Meeting happens at a vulnerable and critical time in the recent human history. The global pandemic has posed tremendous challenges on governments, even more so in developing countries.
In most countries, land inequality is growing. Worse, new measures and analysis published by the International Land Coalition show that land inequality is significantly higher than previously reported.
The webinar, Women’s Land Rights Assessments in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Liberia, and Ghana, organized by Landesa, will take place on Thursday, Sept. 30th, 2021, from 3 pm-4:30 East African Time, 8 am – 9:30 ET.
Convocado por ONU Mujeres y organizado conjuntamente por los Gobiernos de México y Francia, junto con la sociedad civil y la juventud, el Foro Generación Igualdad tendrá lugar en París del 30 de junio al 2 de julio.
Structures such as buildings, roads, and other infrastructure absorb and re-emit the sun’s heat more than natural landscapes such as forests and water bodies. Urban areas, where these structures are highly concentrated and greenery is limited, become “islands” of higher temperatures relative to outlying areas.
This third Whose Land? webinar showcased gender transformative approaches on women’s land rights. Gender transformative approaches are defined by women acting as agents of change, transforming structural barriers and redefining gender norms. These approaches facilitate the participation of women in land governance decision-making processes, but require closing the land data gender gap.