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Projet d’éléments pour un plan stratégique quinquennal et une feuille de route de l’initiative sur les politiques foncières (2012‐2016)

Reports & Research
December, 2012

L'Initiative sur les politiques foncières vise principalement à « aider les États membres dans la mise en oeuvre de la Déclaration de l’Union africaine sur les problèmes et enjeux fonciers en Afrique, conformément aux Cadre et directives pour les politiques foncières en Afrique, afin de réaliser le développement socioéconomique, la paix, la sécurité et le respect de l’environnement ».

Elements of a 5‐year LPI strategic plan and roadmap (2012‐2016)

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2012

The principle goal of the LPI is “to assist member states in the implementation of the AU Declaration on land Issues and challenges in Africa, in accordance with the Framework and Guidelines on Land Policy in Africa, in order to achieve socioeconomic development, peace and security, and environmental sustainability”.To facilitate the implementation of the AU Declaration of Land Issues and Challenges in Africa through: Advocating for the inclusion of land in the development agenda, strategies and programs of African tripartite organizations, Regional Economic Communities, African Member Sta

Sub-regional knowledge exchange and capacity building workshop on the economic valuation of land and ecosystem services: final report

Conference Papers & Reports
December, 2012
Eastern Africa

This paper is focuses on Sub-regional knowledge exchange and capacity building workshop on the economic valuation of land and ecosystem services: final report. The overall objective of the workshop was to build the capacity of key actors involved in land use decisions in relation to the assessment of the real value of land, the understanding of the multiple benefits originating from ecosystem services, and the awareness of tools, methodologies, institutions and processes that can facilitate SLM adoption

Repere şi rezultate ale activităţii agriculturii Uniunii Europene

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2012

The economic estimation of the production activity in agriculture represents an economic category, which express the capacity to produce economic effects with lowest labour costs. In fact, the economic estimation refers to the whole economic activity and, as a result, both to the material production sphere, to the process of production distribution and circulation, as well as to various forms of economic activities from the non-productive sphere.

Dimensiunea teritorială a exploataţiilor agricole în contextul economiei dezvoltării

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2012

Experience in many countries demonstrates that without a clear land policy, it will be difficult or impossible to reduce deep-rooted structural poverty and inequality. The objective of the paper is to investigate the size of family farms in Moldova and other countries in the context of the development economics. In this context, the major factors that determine the farm size are analyzed: placement, inequality of income, average area per 1 inhabitant, and GDP per 1 inhabitant.

Conserving dryland biodiversity

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2012

This publication is intended to raise awareness amongst all stakeholders and galvanise wider action to boost drylands conservation and development. The book is designed to inform and remind us of the beauty of dryland biodiversity and its intrinsic and instrumental value. It demonstrates the mutual dependency of dryland biological and cultural diversity. The book includes new analyses of drylands biodiversity and an overview of approaches that promote sustainable development as well as conservation goals.

Políticas de territorialización de indígenas en Chubut : Provincialización de las relaciones interétnicas a través del acceso a la tierra

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2012

En el presente artículo buscamos un doble objetivo. Por un lado, realizar una propuesta metodológica de lectura y análisis de presupuestos implícitos en los archivos estatales de tierras, construidos por el estado de la Provincia de Chubut. Por otro, nos abocamos al interior del discurso estatal a reconstruir las premisas que articularon las relaciones interétnicas entre el estado provincial y las familias indígenas, autoidentificadas como mapuche y mapuche-tehuelche.

Sub-decree No. 259 on Cutting and Reclassifying 4,194.2862 hectares of ELCs and Forest Cover in Kampot province

December, 2012

Cutting a total land of 4,194.2862 ha of land in Tul village of Lberk commune, Trapang Bei village of Trapang Bei commune, Tuldontey village of Trapang Phlang commune, Chey Senar village of Tarken commune, and Techo Kbal Domrei village of Techo Akphivath commune in Chouk district of Kampot province: 1,734.7067 ha from 2002 Forest Cover, 177.6011 ha from ELC of World Trista Entertainment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd, 285.4886 ha from ELC of Camtree Corporation, and 1,996.4898 ha from ELC of First Bio-Tech Agricultural (Cambodia); Reclassifying 3,535.7504 ha as state private land for granting donation

Sub-Decree on Cutting 4,698 hectares

December, 2012

Cutting 4,698 hectares: (1) 78 hectares cutting from Economic Land Concession of Kasotim and reclassying as state private land, (2) 3,014 hectares cutting from Economic Land Concession of Dau Thieng (Cambodia), (3) 12 hectares cutting from Economic Land Concession of Dau Thieng Kratie, (4) 223 hectares cutting from Chan Sophea, and (5) granting donation of 1,371 hectares replacing social land concession for granting ownership to 1,618 families in Damrey Phung commune of Chhlong district and Svay Chhras commune of Snoul district in Kratie.

Sub-decree No. 257 on Cutting and Reclassifying 8,904 hectares from Wildlife Sanctuary, ELC, Forest Cover and Paper Tree Nursery in Kampong Chhnang province

December, 2012

Cutting a total land of 8,904 ha in Rokar Torng, Chi Puk, Tang Khya, Krasang Dus Leurng, and Kdol villages in Toul Kpos, Kbal Tuek and Kang Sdar communes of Tuek Phos district, Ancharn Roung village in Ancharn Roung commune of Boribou district, and Mean Kor Lech village in Tbeng Kpos commune of Samki Meanchey district, in Kampong Chhnang province: 1,820 ha from Phnom Oaral Wildlife Sanctuary; 6,188 ha from economic land concession of Pheapimex; 666 ha from Hun Sen Mean Kor Paper Tree Nursery Station; and 230 ha​ from 2002 Forest Cover; and Reclassigying 7,878 ha as state private land for gr

Sub-decree No. 255 on Cutting and Reclassifying 4,334.61 hectares of ELCs and Forest Cover in Preah Vihear province

December, 2012

Cutting 4,334.61 ha in Torsu and Samrong villages of Torsu commune in Cheysen district, and Preuskaork village of Mluprey commune in Chhep district of Preah Vihear province: 68.53 ha from 2002 Forest Cover, 1,680.47 ha from ELC of Heng ui (Cambodia) International Company Limited, 1,691.05 ha from ELC ofm Heng Nong (Cambodia) International Company Limited, 67.31 ha from ELC of Lan Feng (Cambodia) International Company Limited, 827.25 ha from ELC of Rui Feng (Cambodia) International CompanynLimited; Granting donation of ownership of 3,940.13 ha to 758 [735] families; Reserving 397.48 ha for p

Sub-decree No. 251 on Cutting and Reclassifying 4,418.46 hectares of Wildlife Sanctuary and ELC in Pursat province

December, 2012

Cutting 4,418.46 ha of land in Dei Kroham village of Anlong Reap commune, and Cheuteal Chrum and Pchek Chrum villages of Promouy commune in Veal Veng district of Pursat province: 4,107.67 ha from Phnom Samkos Wildlife Sanctuary, and 310.79 ha from ELC of MDS Import; Reclassifying 2,977.49 ha as state private land for donating to 835 families; Reserving 1,440.97 ha for population growth and physical infrastructure development; and Granting ownership to 1,909 private land parcels, 1 pagoda land and 106 public land parcel.