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Highland Council (Eigg) Harbour Empowerment Order 1999 (S.S.I. No. 201).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

This Order confers upon the Council the power to carry out and maintain works in the island of Eigg, Highland, and on the foreshore and bed of the sea adjacent thereto and for that purpose, compulsorily or by agreement to acquire land and rights in land. The Order also confers further powers on the Council to maintain and operate their undertaking at the harbour as a statutory harbour undertaking and defines the limits of jurisdiction of the Council.

Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) (Scotland) Regulations 1999 (S.S.I. No. 43 of 1999).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

The present Regulations implement, for Scotland, changes made to Council Directive 85/337/EC, implemented by the 1998 Regulations, made by Council Directive 97/11/EC. They also implement the extension of both Directives to the Contracting Parties of the European Economic Area (EEA) under Article 74 and Annex XX paragraph I.1 of the Agreement on the European Economic Area, as given effect by Decision No.20/1999 of the EEA Joint Committee adopted on 26th February 1999.

Resolution No. 03/2000/QD-CP on farm economy.

South-Eastern Asia

This Resolution is concerned with the development of various aspects of farming. These aspects include land allocation, production planning, water conservancy, water supply, knowledge of the market, management skills and techniques, etc. The Resolution outlines the basic features of the present farm economy and the general policy of the State towards farm economy and policy relative to a specific aspect, i.e. land policy, tax policy, investment policy, labour policy regarding technological and scientific development, market policy, and a farm assets protection policy.

Decree No. 325 of the Cabinet of Ministers validating the Regulation on compensation of damages caused to forestry due to transformation of deterioration of forestland.

Northern Europe

This Decree establishes the modalities of calculation of damages caused to forestry and compensation thereof. It is related to transformation of forestland in case of allotment thereof for purposes not related to forest management and/or deterioration of soil or productivity of forestland. Revenues from compensation shall be accredited to the Agricultural Development Fund and shall be used for financing of forest management.

Decreto Nº 120/99 - Reglamento a la Ley Nº 311, Ley Orgánica del Instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales (INETER).

Central America

El presente Reglamento, que consta de 10 capítulos y 38 artículos, tiene por objeto establecer las disposiciones para la aplicación de la Ley orgánica del Instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales (INETER).

Implementa: Ley Nº 311 - Ley Orgánica del Instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales (INETER). (1999-07-09)

Executive Agencies (Drilling and Dam Construction Agency)(Establishment) Order, 1999 (G.N. No. 11 of 2000).

Eastern Africa

There is established a Drilling and Dam Construction Agency as an Executive Agency. Its functions, aims, objectives, powers, responsibility, performance standards and other mattress are outlined in the Schedule attached to these Regulations. The aim of the Agency is to develop sustainable and safe water sources through efficient means and at cost effective prices. Primary functions of the Agency are: groundwater exploration and production by drilling, etc; construction of earth dams, and; manage injection holes for the reinforcement and stabilisation of soil structures.

Order No. 69 of the Federal Forest Service validating the Regulation on examination of applications for transfer of forest land to the category of unforested land for the purposes not related to forest and forest fund management.

Eastern Europe

This Order establishes the list of requested technical documentation and the modalities of transfer of forest land to the category of unforested land for the purposes not related to forest and forest fund management. The aforesaid transfer can be carried out by initiative of legal and natural persons and requires authorization of the competent state forest institution by agreement with the organizations concerned. In the process of transfer shall be decided also allotment of the plots of land, conditions of expropriation thereof and payment therefore.

Arable Area Payments Regulations 1995 (S.I. No. 1738 of 1995).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Regulations, which apply throughout Great Britain, implement and supplement provisions of Council Regulation No. 1765/92, which establishes a support system for producers of certain arable crops. Producers of particular crops are entitled to receive compensatory payment, calculated according to the area which they have sown with such crops. The payment varies with the production region in which the land lies. Article 7 of the Council Regulation requires all producers claiming compensatory payments to set part of their land aside for two years.

Decreto Supremo Nº 017/95/AG - Texto único de procedimientos administrativos (TUPA) del Proyecto Nacional de Manejo de Cuencas Hidrográficas y Conservación de Suelos (PRONAMACHCS).

South America

El artículo 1º del presente Decreto Supremo aprueba el Texto único de procedimientos administrativos (TUPA) del Proyecto Nacional de Manejo de Cuencas Hidrográficas y Conservación de Suelos (PRONAMACHS), contenido en el anexo que forma parte del mismo.

Enmendado por: Decreto Supremo Nº 025/01/AG - Texto único de procedimientos administrativos (TUPA) del Programa Nacional de Manejo de Cuencas Hidrográficas y Conservación de Suelos (PRONAMACHCS), sobre acceso a la información. (2001-05-04)

Arrêté du Gouvernement flamand modifiant l'arrêté du Gouvernement flamand du 4 mars 1997 portant désignation des terrains faisant l'objet d'une pollution historique du sol.

Western Europe

La liste de terrains annexée à l'arrêté du Gouvernement flamand du 4 mars 1997 portant désignation des terrains faisant l'objet d'une pollution historique du sol dont l'assainissement s'impose, conformément à l'article 30, paragraphe 2, du décret du 22 février 1995 relatif à l'assainissement du sol, est completée par le terrains figurant sur la liste de l'annexe 1 au présent arrêté. L'arrêté comprend 3 articles et 2 annexes.

Ministerial Decree approving the special plan for the completion and rationalization of the water catchment and purification systems.

Southern Europe

Based on the assessment of the present environmental degradation caused by the inadequacy of the purification systems, and of the data collected through an official census on the water pollution of the country, the special plan aims at the achievement of the following objectives: (a) identification and implementation of urgent interventions necessary for the protection and sanitation of waters and catchment basins; (b) completion of works already financed; (c) putting into operation of completed works. The Decree establishes criteria and modalities for the elaboration of the plan.

Decree No. 1.540 establishing composition and functioning of the Coordination Group for National Coastal Zone Planning (PNGC).

South America

This Decree establishing composition and functioning of the Coordination Group for National Coastal Zone Planning (PNGC). It consists of 4 articles defining composition, competencies and duties of the aforementioned environmental institution entitled to manage, carry out controls and plan coastal zones.