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Habitat (Salt Marsh) Regulations (S.I. No. 1293 of 1994).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Regulations implement in part Council Regulation (EC) No. 2078/92 on agricultural production methods compatible with requirements of environment protection and the maintenance of the countryside. they provide for payment to eligible persons who, in respect of an area of eligible land, undertake not to use such land for a period of at least twenty years and to manage the land with the objective of establishing an area of salt-marsh in accordance with management requirements as set out in the Schedule.

Règlement grand-ducal déclarant obligatoire le plan d'aménagement global "Haff Réimech".

Western Europe

Ce règlement déclare obligatoire le plan d'aménagement global "Haff-Réimech. Ce plan comprend parmi d'autres la zone protégée des réserves naturelles du "Baggerweieren" et la zone viticole et agricole. La première est destinée à garantir la protection d'espèces rares de la faune et de la flore et la dernière est destinée à l'exercice de la viticulture et de l'agriculture. En plus, tous les travaux viticoles et agricoles usuels peuvent y être exécutés. Le règlement comprend 17 articles.

Countryside Premium Scheme (Scotland) Regulations 1997 (S.I. No. 330 [S.23] of 1997).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Regulations provide for payment in respect of an undertaking to follow the general environmental conditions set out in Schedule 1 and to carry out at least one of the management activities set out in Schedule 2 or the capital activities set out in Schedule 3. These Regulations provide also for grants to compensate partly for costs of environment audit, planning and undertaking. The Regulations supplement EC Council Regulations No.

Decree relative to incentives for alternative treatment of the soil.

Northern Europe

Purpose of the subsidy is to avoid and reduce tilling and other treatment of the soil of arable land in the autumn so as to enhance the growing of vegetation on it and subsequent reduction of effects of erosion. Section 2 lists the production methods that shall be eligible for financial aid in an amount to be established by the Department of Agriculture. Section lists criteria for granting of incentives. The land may not be ploughed before 1 March of each year. (10 sections)

Implements: Act No. 23 of 1995 concerning land use. (2011-03-03)

Resolución Nº 3.266 - Operatoria para la aplicación del Decreto Nº 24 de 1997, Reglamento de ejecución del Plan para la recuperación de la productividad de suelos.

South America

La presente Resolución aprueba la operatoria para la provisión y aplicación de los incentivos que tendrán como propósito la recuperación de la productividad de los suelos, amparado en el Decreto Nº 24 del 8 de enero de 1997, cuyo ámbito de aplicación territorial comprende desde la V a XII regiones del país, incluida la Región Metropolitana.

Decreto Nº 466 - Modifica el Decreto Nº 24, Reglamento de ejecución del Plan para la recuperación de la productividad de suelos.

South America

El presente Decreto modifica el Decreto Nº 24 de 1997, entre otras cosas, sustituyendo la frase "Plan para la recuperación de la productividad de suelos" por "Programa para la recuperación de suelos degradados", en todas las citas que se hacen en el Reglamento a esa expresión. Asimismo, reemplaza el artículo 1º por el siguiente: "El Programa para la recuperación de suelos degradados de uso agropecuario del Ministerio de Agricultura, está integrado por los subprogramas de fertilización fosfatada, de enmiendas, de praderas, de conservación de suelos y de rehabilitación de suelos.

Ministerial Decree No. 1454-P on improving the activity of the users of hunting facilities and hunting areas in the field of protection and reproduction of wildlife species.

Eastern Europe

This Ministerial Decree recommends to the local regional authorities the concession to the users of hunting facilities and hunting areas the hunting reserves for a period of not less than 25 years. The local authorities of the Russian Federation are recommended to concede free-of-charge plots of land and grasslands of the state land cadastre and the state forestry register for the needs of community wildlife management calculating a hectare of land for ten thousand hectares of hunting area.

Decreto Supremo Nº 045/00/AG - Aprovechamiento sostenible y la transformación del látex del árbol del caucho de bosques primarios.

South America

El presente Decreto, que consta de 7 artículos, declara de interés nacional el aprovechamiento sostenible y la transformación con fines industriales y comerciales del látex del árbol de caucho de bosques primarios, para promover el desarrollo socioeconómico de la región amazónica y contribuir a la recuperación de suelos deforestados en áreas con condiciones para reforestación o el establecimiento de plantaciones de esta especie. Se crea el Programa Nacional del Caucho, dependiente del Instituto Nacional de Recursos Naturales (INRENA).

Decree No. 72 of the State Land Cartographic Committee validating the Regulation on land inspection.

Central Asia

This Decree establishes that land inspection shall be autonomous institution within the State Land Cartographic Committee. Land inspection shall carry out the following tasks: (a) enforcement of land legislation; (b) detection of unused or irrationally used land; (c) supervision over quality of land monitoring; (d) supervision over soil improvement arrangements; and (e) coordination of land survey.

Ministerial Decree No. 85167/820 approving a Code of Good Agricultural Practice.

Southern Europe

This Code of Good Agricultural Practice addresses issues related to the protection of waters affected by nitrate pollution deriving from agricultural sources. It is divided into four Parts as follows: the first Part (A) concerns fertilizers and aims at assisting farmers in implementing friendly practices towards the environment in a way that income by their crops may be secured and also that the environment can be protected. In particular it aims at avoiding pollution of underground and surface waters from the accumulation of nitrates through water infiltration or surface runoff.

Survey Regulations, 1994 (Cap. 299).

Eastern Africa

These Regulations implement provisions of the Survey Act with respect to the Land Surveyors Board, the Standing Committee on Geographical Names, the examination and issue of licences, land survey operations, government land surveys and resolution of disputes. The Regulations also provide for the reservation of land in case of survey for purposes of alienation of government land in coastal areas and near to lakes or tidal rivers.

Implements: Survey Act (Cap. 299). (2000)