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Protection Measure of Xiamen City of PRC on Agricultural Environment.

Eastern Asia

With a view to protect and improve the agricultural environment in Xiamen, to prevent pollution and protect ecosystem, the Measure is hereby formulated. The agricultural environment is defined as including land, water for agricultural purposes, air and other factors which have an impact on the survival and development of agricultural resources.

Implements: Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China. (1989-12-26)
Implements: Agriculture Law of the People's Republic of China (1993-07-02)

Décret nº 2000-613 relatif à la protection des acquéreurs et propriétaires d'immeubles contre les termites.

Western Europe

Ce décret fixe les modalités de mise en application des dispositions de prévention et de lutte contre les termites et les autres insectes xylophages, prévues par la loi du 8 juin 1999 et organisées par les pouvoirs publics en vue de protéger les bâtiments. Les principales mesures de prévention et de lutte consistent en: l'obligation de déclarer la contamination, la délimitation de la zone contaminée, l'incinération ou le traitement des bois contaminés.

Regulation No. 97/9637 on support for the development of forest villagers.

Western Asia

This Regulation is based on article 21 of Act No. 2924 dated 17 October 1983 and sets forth procedures and principles for providing support to forest villagers whose villages would be moved.Villages where development activities could not be achieved in their present locations and those that should be moved due to soil-water regime, health, military purposes, tourism and forestry will be determined jointly by the local organizations of the Ministry of Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, General Directorate of Forestry and General Directorate of Rural Services.

Decree relative to animal manure (No. 1093 of 1998).

Northern Europe

This Decree of the Ministry of Environment formulates rules relative to the collection, use and storage of animal manure. These rules aim at preventing pollution of soil, air, and surface water and groundwater and at enhancing plant production. Section 5 contains standards for the spreading of manure based on GDE which is an animal manure unit. This standard is fixed for all types of husbandry animals. Section 6 grants power the County Chief to allow for spreading different as indicated in section 5. Section 7 concerns periods of fertilization during the year.

Decree relative to waste sludge.

Northern Europe

The Decree aims at preventing pollution caused by the discharge of sludge from water cleaning or discharge installations and lays down rules relative to the right to use of sludge for agricultural purposes. Use of sludge in general requires a permit from the municipal authorities. Producers or suppliers of sludge shall be responsible for the declaration of contents which shall be drawn up in accordance with provisions contained in Annex II. Section 10 prescribes limit values for heavy metals in sludge and section 11 lays down rules relative to use of sludge on land.

Decreto Supremo Nº 24.124 - Plan de uso del suelo para el Departamento de Santa Cruz.

South America

El Decreto, que consta de 9 artículos, aprueba el Plan de uso del suelo para el Departamento de Santa Cruz. El plan establece las siguientes categorías generales de uso: a) tierras de uso agropecuario intensivo; b) tierras de uso agropecuario extensivo; c) tierras de uso agrosilvopastoral; d) tierras de uso forestal; e) tierras de uso restringido; e) áreas naturales protegidas (art. 2º).

Resolución de 28 de abril de 1995 - Acuerdo del Consejo de Ministros de 17 de febrero de 1995, por el que se aprueba el Plan Nacional de Recuperación de Suelos Contaminados.

Southern Europe

La presente Resolución dispone la publicación del Plan Nacional de Recuperación de Suelos Contaminados (1995-2000), aprobado por el Consejo de Ministros el 17 de febrero de 1995, consta de 4 partes: Introducción (I); Diagnóstico de la situación actual (II); Objetivos y líneas de actuación del Plan Nacional de Recuperación de Suelos Contaminados (III); Financiación del Plan Nacional de Recuperación de Suelos Contaminados (IV).

Ministerial Decree No. 318 amending Ministerial Decree No.294 of 1997 regarding validation of the Regulation on state control over use and protection of land.

Central Asia

Item 1.3 shall acquire a new wording: “State control over use and protection of land shall be carried out by the Committee on Land Resources and Land Survey, its territorial bodies and by the Ministry of Environmental Protection. The aforesaid bodies shall carry out their functions through mutual cooperation.” Item 3.1 shall be supplemented with the following paragraphs: “4. irregular decisions on expropriation and allotment of the plots of land shall be suspended until the examination of claims by economic court”; “5.

Decreto Nº 1 - Reglamento del Decreto Legislativo Nº 732, Ley de desarrollo y ordenamiento territorial del área metropolitana de San Salvador y de los municipios aledaños.

El Salvador
Central America

El presente Reglamento de la Ley de desarrollo y ordenamiento territorial del Área Metropolitana de San Salvador y de los Municipios Aledaños, tiene por objeto establecer las disposiciones que regularán el funcionamiento de las Instituciones cradas por la Ley de Desarrollo y Ordenamiento Territorial del Area Metropolitana de San Salvador y establecer los procedimientos para la formulación de los diferentes Instrumentos de Planificación del Desarrollo Urbano.

Resolution of the Cabinet of Minisers concerning the establishment of a committee to combat desertification emergencies.

Western Asia
Southern Asia

This Resolution is divided into two Chapters: (a) Formalities, administration and membership; (b) Responsibilities and objectives.The main objective of this Resolution is the consideration and determination of areas and various aspects of the desertification emergency in the country: evaluation and study of different methods for combating desertification, anticipation and approval of the required financial resources for implementation of approved projects, supervision of the execution of approved projects, presentation of monthly reports to the Cabinet of Ministers, making necessary coordin

Council of Ministers Resolution No. 142/2000 approving the Order Plan of the Coastal Rim of Ovar – Marina Grande (POOC).

Southern Europe

This Resolution approves the Order Plan of the Coastal Rim of Ovar – Marina Grande (POOC) It is composed of 67 articles, IV Titles and X Chapters, being the most important:Article 2 contains the objectives of POOC, article 4, definitions; Title II administrative servitudes and public utility restrictions; Title III contains the uses of the coastal rim which include the following articles: article 8, conditioned activities; article 9, public interest activities; article 10, acesses to the coastal rim; article 13, forbidden activities and article 24, beach support equipment and infra-structur

Regulation No. 29 of State Committee on Land Resources regarding conservation of degraded agricultural land.

Central Asia

This Regulation establishes that conservation of degraded agricultural land means temporary putting out of use thereof for the period of five years for the purpose of soil rehabilitation. It establishes basic principles for identification of degraded agricultural land, the modalities of exposure thereof and provisions for soil improvement and rehabilitation.