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Regional Law No. 22 "On some issues of turnover of agricultural land".

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates some relations concerning turnover of agricultural land and land shares in common property. Minimum consolidated land plot shall be equal to 5, 0 ha. Maximum agricultural land plot area that can be owned by a single household or by a single legal person within a single administrative unit shall be twenty percent of total available agricultural land area within the boundaries of a single municipal unit.

Range Act ([SBC 2004] Chapter 71).

Northern America

“Crown range” means land included within the boundaries of a range district as established under this Act, but does not include land that is subject to a lease issued under the Land Act (sect. 1). Section 3 establishes that power is given to "regional and district managers" to grant rights over Crown range in the form of grazing licences, grazing permits, temporary grazing permits, hay cutting licences and hay cutting permits.

Law No. 962-IV “On land protection”.

Eastern Europe

This Law establishes legal, economic and social grounds for land protection with a view of ensuring rational land tenure, soil rehabilitation and improvement, conservation of ecological functions of soil and environmental protection. Object of particular land protection shall be total land cover (soil) within the national boundaries of Ukraine.

Law No. 1507 amending Land Code.

Eastern Europe

Article 122 shall be amended to exclude the following wording: “and also transfers agricultural land plots pertaining to public property to registered capital of land bank that is hundred-percent-owned by the state and is not subject to privatization”.

Amends: Land Code (No. 2768-III of 2001). (2001-10-20)

Regional Law No. 65-ZS amending Regional Law No. 12-ZS “On plenary powers of regional state bodies related to land tenure and management of land parcels”.

Eastern Europe

In the whole text of the document shall be added the wording “peasant farm shall perform its activity in the sphere of gardening”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 12-ZS “On plenary powers of regional state bodies related to land tenure and management of land parcels”. (2008-07-02)

Alienation of Customary Land Act 1965.


This Act concerns control of the transfer or otherwise granting of rights in customary land (as defined by the Constitution). It shall not be lawful to lease or license any customary land for any agricultural or pastoral purpose to any Samoan who is not for the time being holder of a Matai title.

Ley Nº 20.623 - Modifica el Decreto Ley Nº 3.516 de 1980, referido a la subdivisión de predios rústicos.

South America

En virtud de la presente Ley se declara saneado el vicio de nulidad que pudiere afectar o haber afectado la validez de los actos y contratos celebrados con omisión de la constancia prevista en el inciso quinto del artículo 1º del Decreto Ley Nº 3.516 de 1980.

Enmienda: Decreto con fuerza de Ley Nº 3.516 - Normas sobre división de predios rústicos. (1980-11-19)

Strategic Cropping Land Act 2011.


This Act, consisting of 292 sections divided into nine Chapters, aims to protect land that is highly suitable for cropping; manage the impacts of development on that land; and preserve the productive capacity of that land for future generations.

Ley Nº 3/2012 - Modifica la Ley Nº 2/2001, Ley de Ordenación Territorial y Régimen Urbanístico del Suelo de Cantabria.

Southern Europe

La presente Ley modifica la que tiene por objeto la regulación de los instrumentos de ordenación territorial, el uso del suelo y la actividad urbanística en la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria, en relación a los usos del suelo rústico que, respetando la necesaria protección de esta clase de suelo, permitan su puesta en valor y hagan posible darle un destino que coadyuve tanto a un desarrollo sostenible como a la dinamización de los núcleos rurales.

Enmienda: Ley Nº 2/2001 - Ley de Ordenación Territorial y Régimen Urbanístico del Suelo de Cantabria. (2001-06-25)

Ley Nº 4.744 - Crea la Comisión de Relevamiento de Transferencias de Tierras Rurales en el ámbito de la Provincia de Rio Negro.

South America

La presente Ley tiene por objeto la creación y el funcionamiento de la Comisión Investigadora para el Relevamiento de Transferencias de Tierras Rurales en el ámbito de la Provincia de Río Negro, entre cuyas funciones se contemplan las siguientes: a) requerir a las autoridades registrales de la provincia todos los antecedentes dominiales y catastrales de las transferencias operadas sobre tierras pertenecientes al Estado Provincial; b) elaborar un informe detallado de las transferencias de tierras rurales que hayan pertenecido a la Provincia de Río Negro.

Regional Act No. 4 laying down provisions on integral bonification and rearranging bonification consortia.

Southern Europe

This Regional Act sets out the legislative framework for the integral bonification of land with a view to ensuring land conservation, water safety, environmental protection and preservation of rural areas. It provides for the rearrangement of bonification consortia operating in the regional territory and further provides for the adoption of plans in the different districts.