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Oromia Rural Land Use and Administration Proclamation (No. 130 /2007).

Eastern Africa

The aim of this Proclamation is to improve management and utilization of land and land resources for agricultural purposes. It applies to all land that lies outside of municipal borders. The Proclamation defines the right to acquire, free of charge, rural land by adult residents of the region, whose livelihood depends on agriculture, and other subjects. It also defines land use rights of peasants, pastoralists and semi-pastoralists and provides for the protection of such rights.

Property Tax and Valuation Act.

Antigua and Barbuda

This Act concerns: (a) the imposition of taxes on land including improvements and all estates, interests, easements and rights pertaining to land; and (b) the valuation of real property for purposes of taxation.The Act assigns the function of administration of provisions of this Act to the Commissioner of Inland Revenue and provides for the appointment of a Chief Valuation Officer and Valuation Officers. For purposes of this Act, property shall be classified as: "agricultural”, ”residential” or “other property”.

Directive 2007/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the assessment and management of flood risks.

Eastern Europe
Northern Europe

This Directive sets out measures to reduce the risk of adverse effects associated with floods, with a view to protecting human health, the environment, cultural heritage and economic activities in general. It establishes a framework concerning the management and assessment of such flood risks. According to these provisions, all Member States must (i) undertake a preliminary flood risk assessment for each river basin district and for coastal areas; (ii) prepare flood hazard maps and flood risk maps; and (iii) elaborate flood risk management plans.

Environment Act 1999 (Act No. 9 of 1999).


The objects of this Act shall be, among other hings: (a) to provide for and establish integrated systems of development control, environmental impact assessment and pollution control; (b) to prevent, control and monitor pollution; to (c) protect and conserve the natural resources threatened by human activities, particularly those resources of national and ecological significance as may be classified under the categories of terrestrial vegetation, coral, fish and marine life; (d)to control, manage and regulate hazardous substances; and (f) to promote the conservation and sustainable use of b

Act relative to taxation of fertilizers (1984:409).

Northern Europe

This Act imposes a tax on pesticides to be paid to the Central State on marketing of fertilizers in the country. "Fertilizers" is defined in section 1 so as to include ammoniac and kalium calcium nitrate. The tax consists of a flat tax of 30 krones per gram of cadium in excess of the proportion one to five with phosphor. Those who are liable to pay the tax are producers of pesticides for commercial purposes, importers of pesticides for commercial purposes and those who are registered as resellers. Tax shall be paid at the moment of sale. (9 sections)

Act relative to taxation of pesticides (1984:410).

Northern Europe

This Act imposes a tax on pesticides to be paid to the Central State authorities on marketing of pesticides in the country. "Pesticides" is defined in section 1 so as to include, among other substances, means of control of pests of animals and diseases. The tax consists of a flat tax of a fee per kilogram of active substance in products marketed. Those who are liable to pay the tax are producers of pesticides for commercial purposes and importers of pesticides for commercial purposes. Tax shall be paid at the moment of sale. (8 sections)

Regional Law No. 318-OZ “On protected areas”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law classifies protected areas as follows: (a) natural parks; (b) state nature reserves; (c) nature monuments; (d) dendrological parks and botanical gardens; (e) healthcare areas and spas; and (f) traditional nature management areas of indigenous peoples. Protected areas of regional significance shall be property of the regional administration. Inclusion of land parcels pertaining to natural and legal persons on condition of ownership, tenancy or lease into protected areas category shall be allowed. Boundaries of protected areas shall be mapped.

Regional Law No. 196-OZ “On representatives of indigenous peoples”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes legal status and competence of authorized representatives of indigenous peoples with a view of ensuring traditional rights of indigenous peoples, traditional environment and traditional way of life thereof. Authorized representatives of indigenous peoples can be non-governmental entities, associations or natural persons.

Law on railway safety.

Southern Europe

This Law regulates the conditions, standards and manner for safe, orderly and free performance of the railway traffic and functioning of the railway system as an important part of the Croatian infrastructure and economy, with a particular regard for the environment impact and possible damage to the ecosystem caused by the performance of railway related activities.Technical requirements are stipulated in order to fully respect the environmental protection standards, physical planning and construction provisions also necessary for a low environmental impact.The requirements for the reconstruc

Regional Law No. 20-5213 “On regional and municipal land-use planning”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes composition and contents of land use planning of urban areas in accordance with territorial planning scheme and documents of territorial planning of municipal units. Land-use planning project shall contain graphic scheme (mapping of boundaries) and textual part. The project shall contain mapping of the boundaries of protected areas, water protection areas and sources of potable water supply.

Regional Law No. 656-KZ “On protected areas”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates relations, originating in the sphere of organization, conservation and protection of protected areas with a view of conservation of unique and typical ecosystems and complexes, wild fauna and wild flora species, and control of changes in the state of biosphere. Protected areas shall be classified as follows: (a) natural parks; (b) nature monuments; (c) dendrological parks and botanical gardens; and (d) healthcare areas and spas.