These Regulations are enacted in order to develop professional farms, promote land circulation, safeguard the legitimate interests of farmers and professional farms, and accelerate the process of urbanization. The Regulations consist of 33 Articles.The professional farm as mentioned in these…
China and India have grown rapidly in importance in the global economy over the past two decades the same period in which hardware and software have become important tradable products in the global economy. China has reached global scale in the hardware industry but not in software; India has…
The authors evaluate the impact of two
key factor market distortions in China on rural-urban
inequality and income distribution. They find that creation
of a fully functioning land market has a significant impact
on rural-…
The purpose of these Regulations are to strengthen the management of urban and rural planning in the Yili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture. The Text consists of 6 Chapters: General provisions (I); Formulation of the urban and rural planning (II); Implementation of the urban and rural planning (III);…
China has a very high prevalence rate of
cigarette smoking. According to a 1996 Chinese national
survey, 63% of adult males (age 15 and over) and 3.8% of
adult females were current smokers (Chinese Academy of
These Regulations are enacted in order to strengthen the management of urban and rural planning. The Text consists of 50 Articles divided into 6 Chapters: General provisions (I); Formulation and revision of urban and rural planning (II); Implementation of urban and rural planning (III);…
These guidelines have three sections.
Section one provides food for thought, regarding poverty and
environment, and how the two are linked. Section two
provides practical tools to incorporate the environment into
a village-…
This provides an overview of the second Mekong Hydropower Forum held in Hanoi, November 13-15, 2013.
Traditional economic evaluations of major transport infrastructure investments focus on the direct costs and benefits arising from travel, including user time savings, operator cost savings, and reductions in externalities including air pollution, noise, and accidents. There is an emerging…
Traditional economic evaluations of major transport infrastructure investments focus on the direct costs and benefits arising from travel, including user time savings, operator cost savings, and reductions in externalities including air pollution, noise, and accidents. There is an emerging…
Through the analysis of newspaper articles and a survey of journalists, this publication identifies gaps and highlights differences in how the media portray pastoralism in Kenya, China and India. In discussing their methodology, the authors note that their reliance on national, English-language…