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Map of China


China is now the world’s second largest economy and has seen over the last years the adaptation of a centrally planned economy to allow for private enterprise and capital. This shift is mirrored in its formal land tenure, represented by a dual system with state-owned land in urban areas, and farmer collective-owned land in rural areas.
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Land Area
942,470,300 ha
17,602.7 USD
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Vietnam steps up South China Sea land reclamation

16 December 2022

Vietnam has accelerated its island building in the South China Sea where China has fully militarized three of its artificial islands, with Hanoi reclaiming about 80% of new land in the last year, a new study found.

It’s time Nepal wakes up to Chinese land grabs, intrusions: Report

5 November 2022

Chinese land grabs and interferences into Nepal’s territory are often not taken seriously by the Nepalese government, claims SADF article

China property crisis: Beijing’s crackdown on local government land buying may deprive market of lifeline

18 October 2022

A land buying binge by local government-backed companies may slow, depriving China’s bruised real estate sector of a potential lifeline.

China has the world’s largest population and is facing a great challenge of land scarcity. There, land issues covers not only the question about how to feed the increasing population, but also how to achieve high quality development though a regional utilisation of land.

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A Story about Maize: Tracing a value chain from land-use to supermarket shelf

13 May 2022

This Land Portal data story looks at the increase of maize production in and around Thailand, and its relation to a poultry value chain as an ingredient in animal feed. 

Events Browse all
China’s Belt and Road Initiative

China’s Belt and Road Initiative

January 6, 2021 7:00 pm Rutland Free Library In making infrastructure developments and investments in nearly 70 countries, China is seeking to restructure the world economy and energetically expand its global influence. Derek Boothby, former director of the UN’s Department of Political Affairs,…