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Globalisation and urbanisation trends in developing countries present both opportunities for growth and development on one hand while contributing to the complex myriad challenges of managing urbanisation on the other hand. Cities and urban areas play a critical in the development of a country. They provide platforms that incorporate intense combination of economic, cultural and political factors of a country or region. Nairobi city is Kenya’s economic capital and is a major economic hub in Africa. However, the problems of Nairobi manifest in huge proportions and call into question the ability and capacity of the city to manage the challenges of urbanisation sustainably. This assessment is based on the Land Governance Assessment Framework, published by the World Bank in 2011 and seeks to examine and assess the legal and institutional framework, land use planning, and public management of land within Nairobi to identify gaps in land governance that may be addressed in order to improve land governance. The impacts of a new constitution, land policy as well as harmonised land legislations enacted in 2012 on land governance in urban areas are yet to be observed and documented and this paper assessment aims to begin and contribute to the same discourse.