Resource information
This Order establishes that in case of allotment of a plot of land in ownership or tenancy documents of entitlement for the land plot shall be: (a) land ownership certificate; (b) open-ended land tenancy certificate; (c) provisional land tenancy certificate or lease contract; and (d) private land ownership certificate. Private land ownership certificate shall be issued to natural and legal persons that have been allotted in ownership smallholding, land plots for housing construction, including plots of state and municipal land purchased through tenders. Private land ownership certificate shall be issued in accordance with purchase and sale contract, donation, exchange of plots of land and other legal privatization documents. Open-ended land tenancy certificate shall be issued to state and municipal land tenants. Provisional land tenancy certificate or lease contract shall be issued to natural and legal persons that have been allotted plots of land in accordance with a decree of the authorized state institution.