New Mongolia community research report published by WOLTS team | Land Portal

The latest report from Mokoro's WOLTS project team is the product of rigorous field research in a third Mongolian community, in collaboration with the Mongolian NGO, People Centered Conservation (PCC). The report addresses critical issues at the intersection of gender, land, mining and pastoralism in Tsenkher soum, in Arkhangai aimag in central-western Mongolia.

People’s coping strategies in the face of social and environmental change are revealed, in the context of a complex structure of investment and operations in gold mining. A big surprise is that female-headed households are in some ways less vulnerable in this new research community, while many men are in fact the vulnerable members of the community.

The team carried out repeat rounds of both quantitative and qualitative participatory fieldwork between October 2017 and December 2018 to validate and triangulate results. 

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