Examining agricultural reform applications in Turkey from the view point of the need for spatial data and information: case study of Trabzon
In Turkey, to adapt EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the Agricultural Reform Implementation Project (ARIP) has been carried out. However, due to inadequate spatial data infrastructure, the effectiveness of the projects within the ARIP has been considerably weak. In this study, some investigations were held within the Directorate of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) in Trabzon Province. In the light of the investigations and legislative-technical works on the application of the CAP in EU as well, basic necessities were determined.
Suite donnee a la conference mondiale sur la reforme agraire et le developpement rural
Le Conseil alimentaire mondial réuni a Rome en 1974 a recommande aux gouvernements de prendre des mesures pour instaurer la reforme agraire et transformer progressivement les structures et les "relations socio-économique dans' les zone rurales afin d'accélérer la planification et la mise en œuvre de programmes "de développement rural intègre qui amèneraient une augmentation de.la production agricole et l’intégration sociale.
Producers co-operatives and rural development in Ethiopia
The main objectives of the cooperative societies of the 1960’s were the promotion, in accordance with cooperative principles and the requirements of social justice, of better living, better business and better methods of production by reducing the cost of credit, etc. Most of the societies then were farmers' cooperatives whose membership were composed of land owners, provincial and district Governors businessmen, etc. The leadership was also controlled by the same people.
A Survey into the Management and use of Wetlands in Kenya
The Role Of Wetlands In Poverty Reduction- Extreme poverty among rural poor people living around wetlands remains a daily reality for more than 56% of Kenya’s population, who subsist on less than one dollar a day. Seventy percent of extremely poor households, a majority of who live in rural areas where hunger and poverty prevails, are now being caught up in a new web of lack of access to wetlands as safety-net during hard times due to appropriation of wetlands by private developers.
National Conference on Emerging Land Issues in Kenyan Agriculture and their Implications for Food Policy and Institutional Reforms
For a long time sub-Saharan Africa has been considered to have abundant and underutilized land than any other continent. On the contrary, recent studies show that many rural Africans live in increasingly densely populated areas where all arable land is allocated or under cultivation. This has led to a long-term decline in farm size and reduced fallows.
Land Inequality Trends and Drivers
Land related inequality is a central component of the wider inequality that is one of the burning issues of our society today. It affects us all and directly determines the quality of life for billions of people who depend on land and related resources for their livelihoods. This paper explores land inequality based on a wide scoping of available information and identifies the main trends and their drivers. A wider conceptualization of what constitutes land inequality is suggested in response to shifts in how power is concentrated within the agri-food system.
A Critical Review of Indonesia’s Agrarian Reform Policy
Inequality in the agrarian structure in Indonesia remains a serious problem. Agrarian reform efforts have been the spirit of Indonesia since the enactment of the Basic Regulations on Agrarian Principles Act (UUPA). However, agrarian reform policies are still far from perfect. Since the reformation, the issue of agrarian reform, also known as land reform, regained its discourse space.
Dairy Joint Ventures in South Africa’s Land and Agrarian Reform Programme: Who Benefits?
Joint Ventures (JVs) between ‘agribusiness’ investors and ‘small farmers’ or ‘customary landowners’ are being promoted in South Africa’s land and agrarian reform programme as a way to include land reform beneficiaries in the country’s competitive agricultural sector. This paper undertakes an in-depth comparative analysis of two JV dairy farms located on irrigation schemes in the former ‘homeland’ of the Ciskei, in South Africa’s Eastern Cape Province. The community, through government investment, brings the fixed assets to the business: land, irrigation infrastructure and milking parlours.
Eficienţa economică a activităţii gospodăriei agricole consolidate în comuna Găuzeni raionul Șoldăneşti
The article argues the need for land consolidation in Moldova. Were examined two variants of activity of the farm household in the village Găuzeni district Şoldăneşti. Or led economic indicators that allow consolidated management of the farm household to choose the direction of activity.