ONTA: plus de 1,2 million d'hectares de terres à mettre en valeur par la concession
A collaborative collective action underway to highlight the land rights of the rural poor in the climate change agenda
China’s Push to Advance Rural Revitalization
Xi is promoting a new vision to tackle long-standing problems like the rural-urban divide, food security, and poverty.
Afghanistan: FAO welcomes $65 million contribution from Asian Development Bank to boost agriculture and food security
Rome - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) today welcomed a groundbreaking $65 million contribution from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to boost food security and support livelihoods of the most vulnerable rural communities in Afghanistan.
Presidente Castillo launches new land reform in Peru
His administration will establish the "Agrarian Civil Service," a program through which thousands of young university students will technically support the farmers.
On Sunday, Peru’s President Pedro Castillo launched the "second agrarian reform", which is a national policy for the development of agriculture through the incorporation of technology, the provision of technical advice, and the construction of productive infrastructure.
Sénégal: exploitation du zircon, quel impact social et environnemental
Depuis 2014, la société Grande Côte Opérations exploite des sables minéralisés dans le secteur de Diogo, essentiellement de l’ilménite et du zircon. L’État du Sénégal lui a accordé une concession pour 25 ans. Le ministre des Mines a souligné jeudi 8 juillet que les « retombées de l’exploitation minière n’étaient pas suffisantes pour le Sénégal ».
Empowering women can help reduce extreme poverty
Gender inequality doesn't make sense on any level.
By marginalising women, we deny ourselves the opportunity to lift millions of men, women and children out of poverty. Not to mention the chance of a just and fair world.
From birth, girls, boys, women and men are expected by society to play certain roles and behave in certain ways, based on traditions, religion, and other beliefs.
These behaviours are learned and shaped by the gender norms in a society.
Kazakhstan: Land ban pleases activists but leaves farming with fewer options
Fear of China fueled the activism, though frustrations had accumulated over stagnant living conditions in the provinces.
Kazakhstan is on the cusp of imposing a permanent ban on the sale and lease of agricultural land to foreigners. It is a rare victory for grassroots campaigning, but may be a blow for a sector in sore need of outside investment and expertise.
La Côte d'Ivoire devient le quatrième producteur mondial de caoutchouc naturel, premier africain
Avec un million de tonnes produites par les hévéas ivoiriens, le pays assure 80 % de la production africaine. Un succès obtenu en une décennie à peine, et qui permet à la Cote d'ivoire d'espérer renforcer sa filière de transformation du caoutchouc.