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Issues rural development related News
Displaying 73 - 84 of 89
By: Katy Migiro Date: October 13th 2016 Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation A group of women is to climb to the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro to call on African governments to improve female access to and control over land NAIROBI, Oct 13 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Hundreds of women from more
By: Ilze-Marie Le Roux  Date: November 9th 2016 Source: Eyewitness News South Africa CAPE TOWN - Rural Development and Land Reform Deputy Minister Mcebisi Skwatsha says the land redistribution programme is on track despite “teething problems”.
More than 60 participants from over a dozen countries participated in the 2011 Asia Land Forum, organized by ILC Asia in collaboration with Asian NGO Coalition for Agrarian  Reform and Rural Development, Community Self-Reliance Centre, and the Government of Nepal, on 20 to 21 October 2011 at the
By: Nyemudzai Kakore Date: February 11th 2016 Source: / The Herald Government has introduced a new data system that will curb multiple farm ownership by not allowing anyone who already has multiple farms under A1 or A2 to be allocated another piece of land. The new database system is
By: Sarah McColl Date: October 7th 2016 Source: Take Part Organizers of the Mt. Kilamanjaro ascent promise to take "the issues of rural women farmers to the top.”
By: Sizwe Sama Yende Date: November 1st 2016 Source: City Press Criminal charges have been laid relating to one of the biggest land claim scams in the country – potentially costing the government millions – but the rural development and land reform department says it knows nothing about it.
By: Elizabeth Roche Date: February 8th 2016 Source: Live Mint Housing and Land Rights Network said that certain policies aim to redress the housing and land crisis in India, others promote inequality and insecurity
By: Shilpi Srivastava Date: May 27th 2016 Source: Institute of Development Studies
By: Shivani Chaudhry Date: September 6th 2016 Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation In order to ensure that ‘no one is left behind,’ the Habitat III outcome document must be grounded in a human rights approach.  
By: Roy Prosterman (Landesa) Date: September 20th 2016 Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation Could the newly democratic nation become Asia's sixth development success story? Since World War II, there have been five great Asian development success stories founded upon land tenure reforms that
By: Africa News Agency Date: October 24th 2016 Source: ENCA RUSTENBURG - Black farmers will march to the Union Buildings in Pretoria to demonstrate their dissatisfaction over the slow pace of land reform. African Farmers Association of South Africa (Afasa) secretary general Aggrey Mahanjana

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