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Issues rural development related News
Displaying 49 - 60 of 90
8 May 2017
San José del Guaviare, Colombia – Flying over the gateway to the Amazon in Colombia’s Chiribiquite National Park, the scene below is a paradise of nature untouched. Rivers snake through dense forest, carving pristine beaches from the banks, while the only breaks in the treeline are from the rocks
23 April 2017
  Tina Anyango (not her real name) aged 28 is a widow living in Kuoyo Kaila, East seme Ward in Kisumu County. She is living with HIV which robbed her off the man she had lived with and loved for the past eight years. Her husband’s death left her solely responsible for their two children. To meet
22 April 2017
  Today, on Earth Day, we examine how climate-smart solutions hold the key to lifting people out of poverty. We have been sharing the faces of the hunger crisis  in East Africa — bringing you the human stories that have sprung from devastating climate disasters in countries like Somalia, Kenya
22 April 2017
  More than 200 SC and ST farmers in Telangana have for the first time in the last 70 years got legal rights over their land, thanks to a land rights project. And community participation was the mantra that made it possible
13 April 2017
  Over the past several years, the people of Jemna, a region in southern Tunisia famous for its excellent quality dates called Deglet Nour (the dates of light), have been engaged in an important and inspiring struggle around land rights.
9 March 2017
The issue of women’s land rights is one of the human rights issues that is not given enough attention; however, about 50% to 60% of rural women in Ghana constitutes the labour force within the agricultural sector, yet only 10% earn income and only 8% own land. The limited land ownership and
8 March 2017
Empowerment of rural women is fundamental for achieving 2030 Agenda FAO/IFAD/WFP Joint News Release 8 March 2017, Rome - Leaders from the three UN Rome-based agencies today marked International Women's Day  by reinforcing their commitments to step up efforts to invest in the capacities of rural
8 March 2017
While development programming is increasingly politically savvy, and women and girls are high on the agenda, it’s bizarre how often gender is overlooked as one of the key determinants of who gets what in the world.
8 March 2017
Chengetai Zonke lost much of her maize crop to drought last year. When it came to planting again, she decided to reduce her stake in what has become a recurrent climate change gamble. At her homestead in Chiware, in Zimbabwe’s northeastern Manicaland Province, the 52-year-old farmer explained why
1 March 2017
In El Salvador, where land ownership still remains a barrier for women, a rural women’s cooperative paves the way for income, access to public services and legal support. A child care facility run by the women enable them to work outside their homes.
16 February 2017
A embaixada dos EUA em Angola está a desafiar os estudantes angolanos, com diploma de licenciatura, a inscreverem-se no Programa de Bolsas de Estudo Fulbright, que anualmente oferece a mais de 1.800 cidadãos estrangeiros a possibilidade de estudarem nos EUA a custo zero. De acordo com a mensagem
5 February 2017
Na manhã desta sexta-feira (03), a Secretaria do Desenvolvimento Agrário (SDA) realizou a entrega de 217 títulos de terra e assinou a ordem de serviço para instalação de sistema de abastecimento d´água com módulos sanitários em Banabuiú, município localizado a 233 km de distância da capital

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