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Issuesland inheritance rightsLandLibrary Resource
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Administration of Estates Act, 1961 (Cap. 63).

Western Africa

This Act regulates the (grant of) administration of real and personal estates of deceased persons. The Act also places restrictions on the disposal of such estates and provides for registration of documents and the handling of claims. An interest in property which cannot by law be disposed of by testamentary disposition is not property for the purpose of this Act. The President shall appoint a suitable person to be the Administrator-General for the purposes of this Act. Administration of intestate estates may be granted by the court to the Administrator-General.

Regulations promulgated under section 103 of the Administration of Estates Act, 1965.

South Africa
Southern Africa

These Regulations, made by the Acting State President under section 103 of the Administration of Estates Act, 1965, prescribe forms for the purposes of the Act and provides rules relative to financial arrangements for the liquidation of estates and payment of Executors, Interim Curators, Tutors and Curators.

Implements: Administration of Estates Act, 1965. (2009)
Amended by: Regulations promulgated under section 103 of the Administration of Estates Act, 1965; Amendment (No. 1161 of 2017). (2017-11-03)

Administration of Estates Act, 1965.

South Africa
Southern Africa

This Act regulates the (grant of) administration of real and personal estates of deceased persons, minors and persons under curatorship and of derelict estates. The Act also places restrictions of the disposal of such estates and provides for registration of documents and the handling of disputed claims. The Minister shall appoint Masters, Deputy Masters and Assistant Masters for purposes of grant of letters of administration.

Government Notice 1318 of 2003 made under the Administration of Estates Act, 1965.

South Africa
Southern Africa

This Notice of the Minister for Justice and Constitutional Development, acting under sections 18 (3), 80 and 90 of the Administration of Estates Act, 1965, determines for the purposes of those sections the amount, respectively: of the value of an estate for purposes of exemption from the requirement to appoint an executor; under which the alienation of an estate of a minor may be authorized by the Master; for purposes of payment to guardians, etc. in the case of minors.

Implements: Administration of Estates Act, 1965. (2009)

Decreto Supremo Nº 66 - Aprueba reglamento que regula el procedimiento de consulta indígena en virtud del Convenio Nº 169 de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo.

South America

En virtud del presente Decreto se aprueba el reglamento que rige el procedimiento de consulta de las comunidades indígenas, de conformidad con el artículo 6º nº 1 y nº 2 del Convenio Nº 169 de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo. El reglamento se aplica a todos los ministerios, intendencias, gobiernos regionales y servicios públicos. El artículo 7º indica qué medidas son susceptibles de afectar directamente a los pueblos indígenas y que, po rende, requieren de su previa consulta según el procedimiento aquí establecido.

Transfer of Immoveable Property Restriction Act, 1987.

South-Eastern Asia

This Law, consisting of five Chapters, regulates the requirements to transfer the land ownership of any immoveable property. It specifies terms and conditions to deal with land, benefits from the land, building and things constructed or situated on that land and things installed on those buildings. It establishes land property restrictions, registration, offences and penalties.

Amended by: Law Amending the Transfer of Immoveable Property Restriction Law (The State Peace and Development Council Law No. 1/2005). (2005)

Ley general de los pueblos y comunidades indígenas del Estado de Durango.

Central America

Esta Ley establece disposiciones para el desarrollo, reconocimiento, preservación y defensa de los derechos y cultura de los pueblos y comunidades indígenas. A tal fin la Ley establece que el Estado y los Municipios deban incluir dentro de sus planes y programas de desarrollo a las comunidades indígenas de los pueblos asentados en el territorio estatal. La Ley prevé la participación de los pueblos y comunidades indígenas en la planeación del desarrollo económico. Cabe destacar el Título Cuarto en materia de tierra, territorio y recursos naturales (arts. 74-84).

Conveyancing and Law of Property Act (Cap. 56:01).

Trinidad and Tobago

This Act provides rules relative to sale and other transactions concerning land. It also concerns (statutory) mortgages, easements and selected matters regarding leases. The Act requires contracts for sale etc. to be in writing. All conveyances of land or of any interest therein are void for the purpose of conveying or creating a legal estate unless made by deed. The Act specifies covenants that may be included in a deed. Mortgaged land may be leased by mortgagee or mortgagor for agricultural or mining purposes. As for mortgages the Act specifies procedures for execution.

Decreto Nº 125 - Ley de fraccionamientos rurales.

Central America

La presente Ley sobre fraccionamiento rurales del Estado de Zacatecas establece las disposiciones que rigen: 1) los los procedimientos administrativos que se promuevan por los titulares y que se generen con motivo de la tenencia de la tierra en zonas de fraccionamientos; 2) los procedimientos sucesorios que deban tramitarse ante la Dirección de Fraccionamientos con motivo del fallecimiento del titular de un lote; 3) el mejoramiento de la explotación del terreno, atendiendo primordialmente a su vocación productiva; 4) el establecimiento de las servidumbres que deban instituirse en los predio

Deceased Persons Estates' Administration (Cap. 12:01).

South America

This Act provides for administration of land and other property of deceased persons.The Act sets out procedures for the lodgement of wills and other procedures upon the death of the owner of an estate and the appointment of an administrator by Court. The administrator shall administrate the estate in accordance with provisions of this Act. The Act also provides with respect to execution of judgements and custody of estates pending probate and letters of administration.

Wills Act (Cap. 12.02).

South America

This Act makes provision for matters of inheritance by will. It specifies the procedures and criteria for the making of a will and the effect of a valid will. It also valid concerns attestation of a will.