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Issues land registration related News
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19 July 2021
Pastoral communities in Northern Kenya are pleading with their County Governments to allocate resources for community land sensitization and acquisition of title deeds. The community group ranches drawn from Isiolo, Marsabit, Samburu and Laikipia counties met in Laikipia North, in an event
14 July 2021
Au total, 7 523 certificats fonciers ont été délivrés avant juin 2021 à des personnes détenant des droits coutumiers sur des terres dans le domaine rural en Côte d’Ivoire, a révélé, mardi 13 juillet 2021, à Yamoussoukro, l’Agence foncière rurale (AFOR), lors de l’atelier de formation des
11 July 2021
Rabindra Maharjan from Bhainsepati has a government document which states that he constructed a hospital in Chandrapur municipality-8 in Rautahat. The document, which is on the letterhead of the Buddhist Philosophy Promotion and Monastery Development Committee under the Ministry of Culture, states
8 July 2021
NAIROBI, Kenya, July 8  – Lands Cabinet Secretary Farida Karoney has urged landowners in Nairobi to work with the Ministry to fill existing gaps in data that hampers digitization. Speaking during a meeting with the Ministry’s Heads of Department, Karoney noted that the full deployment of Ardhisasa
30 June 2021
In May 2021, the numbers of households whose land rights have been secured with the support by the Global Programme Responsible Land Policy have reached a peak: Thanks to the hard work of our partners and project teams, 110.163 households had their land legally documented by then, corresponding to
11 June 2021
Treasury CS Ukur Yatani has boosted President Uhuru Kenyatta’s election pledge to issue titled deeds with a Sh1.5 billion allocating for processing and registration of the documents. Further, Mr Yatani set aside Sh600 million for digitisation of land registries, a move expected to speed up the
7 June 2021
RUNDU – Communal land boards across the country are facing a challenge of many requests for land in their areas, with over 30 000 applications yet to be processed, land reform minister Calle Schlettwein has said.  Applications for both existing and new customary land rights have increasingly gone
3 June 2021
The Ministry of Lands has announced that its Central Lands Registry at the headquarters in Upper Hill has been permanently shut down. Speaking to the press on Wednesday, June 2, Lands CS Farida Karoney disclosed that all the files found in the registry will be moved to county branches. She
17 May 2021
Medici Land Governance (MLG) has partnered with the Government of Rwanda to pilot a project that aims to make land transfers a paperless process. For the pilot, MLG has built a land transaction platform on blockchain called Ubutaka, which will be integrated with Rwanda’s existing land registry
12 May 2021
Parliament has questioned payment of Sh73 million to the National Intelligence Service (NIS) for an electronic land system that President Uhuru Kenyatta launched last month. MPs put Lands Principal Secretary Nicholas Muraguri to task to explain why the spy agency was tapped to develop the Land
16 April 2021
The government has launched 'Mero Kitta' and Nepal Land Information System (NELIS) in a bid to facilitate realty sector in the country. The land details from across the country will now be stored in the central server, NELIS. This will make it easier to access the service provided by the survey
15 April 2021
Since 2009, Cambodia has had a legal process by which Indigenous communities can obtain legal title to their traditional land. Of around 455 Indigenous communities in Cambodia, 33 have been granted land titles. People who have engaged in the Indigenous land titling process say it is time-

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