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National Forest Policy of Suriname.

National Policies
South America

The main objective of the present Forest Policy is enhancing the contribution of the forests to the national economy and the welfare of the current and future generations, taking into account the preservation of the biodiversity. Three goals of equal weight are contained in the main objective, namely: 1) Economic goal: Forests will be used efficiently and in a sustainable manner in order to enhance the contribution of the sector to the national economy, including foreign currency, government income, and employment.

Scottish Forestry Strategy 2006.

National Policies
United Kingdom
Northern Europe

The vision of the present Scottish Forestry Strategy is that by the second half of this century, people are benefiting widely from Scotland’s trees, woodlands and forests, actively engaging with and looking after them for the use and enjoyment of generations to come. The forestry resource has become a central part of culture, economy and the environment.

National Forest Strategy 2025.

National Policies
Northern Europe

The National Forest Strategy's vision is that sustainable forest management is a source of growing welfare. With this vision as its starting point, the Government Report on Forest Policy sets the following strategic objectives: 1) Finland is a competitive operating environment for forest-based business; 2) Forest-based business and activities and their structures are renewed and diversified; 3) Forests are in active, economically, ecologically and socially sustainable and diverse use.

Guyana National Forest Plan.

National Policies
South America

The overall objective of the present National Forest Policy is the conservation, protection, management and utilisation of the nation’s forest resources, while ensuring that the productive capacity of the forests for both goods and services is maintained or enhanced.

Enonce de la Politique Forestière de l’Union Des Comores

National Policies
Eastern Africa

L’Enoncé de la Politique Forestière de l'Union des Comores est un document stratégique qui a pour but global la conservation et la gestion durable du patrimoine forestier afin d’en assurer la pérennité et de garantir une production soutenue de biens et de services pour le bénéfice de la population, tout en contribuant à la lutte contre la pauvreté, la protection de l’environnement et le respect des engagements de l’Etat envers les conventions internationales.La politique présente les principaux objectifs suivants: (i) l’amélioration des connaissances sur le patrimoine forestier et sa délimi

Collective action to secure property rights for the poor

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2008
South-Eastern Asia

This study presents an approach to analyzing decentralized forestry and natural resource management and land property rights issues, and catalyzing collective action among villages and district governments. It focuses on understanding the current policies governing local people's access to property rights and decision making processes, and learning how collective action among community groups and interaction among stakeholders can enhance local people's rights over lands, resources, and policy processes for development.

The Economic Costs and Benefits of Securing Community Forest Tenure: Evidence From Brazil and Guatemala

Reports & Research
October, 2015

Evidence is growing that tenure-secure community forests are associated with avoided deforestation and other ecosystem-service benefits. There are also economic and social benefits connected to communal management. But securing community forest tenure also involves costs, including costs to establish supportive legislation, to demarcate and register the lands, to monitor and protect the lands as well as opportunity costs.

What Drives the Global “Land Rush”?

March, 2012

The 2007-2008 upsurge in agricultural
commodity prices gave rise to widespread concern about
investors causing a "global land rush". Large land
deals can provide opportunities for better access to
capital, transfer of technology, and advances in
productivity and employment generation. But they carry risks
of dispossession and loss of livelihoods, corruption,
deterioration in local food security, environmental damage,

Confronting the Food-Energy-Environment Trilemma : Global Land Use in the Long Run

June, 2014

Economic, agronomic, and biophysical
drivers affect global land use, so all three influences need
to be considered in evaluating economically optimal
allocations of the world's land resources. A dynamic,
forward-looking optimization framework applied over the
course of the coming century shows that although some
deforestation is optimal in the near term, in the absence of
climate change regulation, the desirability of further