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Issues Urban Tenure related News
Displaying 169 - 180 of 231
By: LBO Date: September 23rd 2016 Source: Lanka Business Online Sep 23, 2016 (LBO) – Sustainable city development will need to entail alternative housing for urban poor as they are service providers for city dwellers, industrial hub and the ports while also looking at affordability for the middle
  The Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty organized by the World Bank Development Economic Research Group (DECRG) is a key global event where representatives from governments, civil society, academia, the development community, and the private sector come together annually to discuss
By: Libby Porter Date: October 5th 2016 Source: The Conversation
The UN’s Rebuke of Inheritance Laws Is a Victory for Women’s Health May 27, 2015    by Tamar Ezer     Public Health Program
By: Kieran Guilbert Date: November 1st 2016 Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation FREETOWN (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - When floods struck several slums across Sierra Leone's capital last year, 55-year-old Amienata Bangura was forced to flee as her small shop, stock and years of savings were wiped
Drones have become a revolutionary tool in the defense of property rights of disenfranchised people When most people imagine what a drone expert looks like, more than likely they see a scene from TV or a film of a drone strike: a man in front of a screen controlling a joystick and then, an
Thel government has ordered district councils countrywide to set aside some funds each fiscal year in order to finance "land use plans' resolutions" under them, especially in villages which are rapidly becoming urban areas. The Minister for Land, Housing and Human Settlement Development, Mr William
On 24 February 2015, Jatiya Adivasi Parishad and Kapaeeng Foundation jointly organized a press conference protesting ongoing violence, evictions, murder and rape, and demanded to ensure security of indigenous peoples of northern region of Bangladesh at Reporters Unity in Dhaka.  Rabindranath
By: Erika Villanueva-Miranda  Date: July 31st 2016 Source: Yibada China rapid urbanization is now blamed for the country's most devastating flood in history. The recent calamity that brought China to its knees with a hefty $44.7 billion damage cost is partly caused by the country's "ruthless"
By: Simone D'Antonio Date: August 17th 2016 Source: Citiscope As the Habitat III negotiations begin to wind up, discussion builds on how to monitor progress on the new vision in coming decades.
  Almost 1,500 indigenous people from about 200 different tribes have been protesting in Brazil’s capital as part of a National Week of Indigenous Mobilization. These actions coincide with Brazil’s Day of the Indian on April 19.

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