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Issues Indigenous & Community Land Rights related News
Displaying 169 - 180 of 1116
2 November 2021
The Global Alliance of Territorial Communities and the Land Portal Foundation recently teamed up to ask each of you how we can better promote Indigenous land rights and voices at the COP26.  We invite you to browse the short videos we have gathered.
2 November 2021
BULLDOZERS AT THE GATES — Here’s a novel idea: Let’s save the forests. As the U.N. Climate Change Summit in Glasgow, Scotland, gets underway, the first big promise is about deforestation.
2 November 2021
The UN Climate Change Conference (the official name for climate Conferences of the Parties) has happened every year since 1995. The two-week summits are an important space for stakeholders to discuss the climate crisis on a global level. These annual conferences bring together those that have
1 November 2021
UK, Norway, Germany, US, and the Netherlands, and 17 funders pledged to support Indigenous Peoples, local communities at COP26, citing their proven role in preventing deforestation that fuels climate change
27 October 2021
Indigenous leaders from around the world will join government officials, scientists, activists, and NGO representatives at the U.N.
20 October 2021
With almost 24 years passed since the signing of the Chittagong Hill Tracts Accord, its lack of implementation has reached alarming levels and human rights violations persist. In addition to the ongoing deployment of military and paramilitary forces, land grabbing of Indigenous territories
15 October 2021
Delegates from 12 countries united in Lomé, Togo for the 3rd Conference by the African Land Institutions Network for Community Rights (ALIN); They highlighted successes and challenges from ongoing community land rights reforms in their countries, and charted a roadmap for the future; The conference
11 October 2021
Guinea’s September coup sent shock waves through West Africa and the global commodities markets. Guinea is the world’s second largest producer of bauxite, the ore needed to produce aluminum, and has rich iron ore, gold, and diamond reserves.
6 October 2021
En 2020, 17 000 titres de propriétés (Arrêté de Concession Définitive : ACD), contre une moyenne de 5 500 auparavant, ont été délivrés, selon le ministre de la Construction, du Logement et de l'Urbanisme, Bruno Nabagné Koné.
5 October 2021
La zone pastorale de la vallée de la Nouaho, dans la région du Centre-Est, a été créée pour assurer une sécurité foncière aux éleveurs et intensifier leurs systèmes de productions animales. Mais, de nos jours, elle est « infestée » par l’orpaillage dont l’ampleur préoccupe.
30 September 2021
From 30 August to 3 September 2021, the Natural Justice team organised activities benefiting local community defenders of human and environmental rights in Madagascar. Fifteen representatives of local communities, paralegals and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) from 8 regions of the island

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