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Journal Articles & Books
September, 2011

kenya land alliance download :Memorandum On Continued Engagement With The Ministry Of Lands On Land Reforms Presented To: The Ministry Of Lands. The approval by the public of the Constitution at the referendum on August 4, 2010 and its promulgation on August 27, 2010 heralded a new dawn of governance in Kenya. Through its broad provisions, it is expected that it will spur social and economic development and secure the land rights of all Kenyans, by among others guaranteeing them ownership, control and access to natural resources.

Law of the Right to Prior Consultation to Indigenous or Native Peoples, recognized in the Convention 169 of the International Labour Convention (ILO)

Legislation & Policies
July, 2011

The present Law develops the context, principles and procedures for the right to prior consultation to Indigenous peoples or native regard to the legislative or administrative measures that directly affect them.  It is interpreted in accordance with the obligations under Convention 169 of the International Labour Organization (ILO), ratified by the Peruvian State through the Legislative Resolution 26253.

‘Shifting ground’

Peer-reviewed publication
July, 2011

In this paper, we use an actor-oriented perspective to explore the nature and extent of conflict and negotiation with regard to land use and tenure among the Iban of Sarawak. The Iban are shifting cultivators who have long been involved in smallholder cash crops.

Refazendo Nós numa Terra Arrasada:

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2010
Southern Africa
O foco deste trabalho é a representação dos espaços presentes no romance Terra Sonâmbula (COUTO, 1999). Ele traz à tona a guerra civil em Moçambique (1976-1992), desencadeada por duas facções distintas que lutam por um mesmo fim: a conquista do poder político no país, após a independência colonial. Os espaços a serem abordados sofrem transformações, em meio a essa guerra. Nesse contexto, articularemos uma discussão com base na teoria ecofeminista, por sua pertinência e contribuição ao debate sobre relações de humanos e de não humanos no meio ambiente.

Critical Review of Selected Forest-Related Regulatory Initiatives

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2010

This report brings together four studies that evaluate regulatory initiatives with implications for forest-dependent communities from a rights-based perspective. These are: The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 – India; Regulatory initiatives and selected outcomes of judicial processes in Malaysia; The Community Forest Act (2007) – Thailand; and The Indigenous People’s Rights Act (1997) – Philippines. Each study covers law making, content and implementation.

Kaxuyana: de volta à sua terra de origem

Journal Articles & Books
February, 2010
South America
Após 30 anos de exílio de sua terra de origem, os Kaxuyana regressaram, e atualmente encontram-se de volta ao rio ‘Kaxuru’, lugar que deu origem ao próprio nome ‘Kaxuyana’, que quer dizer ‘gente do rio Cachorro’, afluente do médio rio Trombetas, situado no oeste do estado do Pará. Os atuais Kaxuyana se consideram descendentes não apenas dos antigos Kaxuyana, mas também de vários outros grupos aparentados. Estes possuíam outras denominações que variavam de acordo com os nomes dos cursos d’água em que habitavam por toda região do médio Trombetas, no estado do Pará.

Indigenous people are losing their livelihood

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2009

In many Asian, African, and South American nations, indigenous people are being driven from their homes: Government authorities are leasing hundreds of thousands of hectares of land belonging to indigenous people who only in the rarest of cases possess deeds to the land that are recognised by the authorities. Although in many cases their ancestors have lived on the land for centuries, these rights were never recorded in the land registries. The way of life and the livelihood of many indigenous peoples are severely threatened by their land being sold off.

Territories, Identities and Jurisdictions at Issue: The Regulation of Land Rights at Reservation Cañamomo-Lomaprieta

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2009

In this paper, we discuss ties between territoriality, and the construction of an indigenous identity and their own land-related judicial institutions, based on the case study on the indigenous community settled on reservation Cañamomo-Lomaprieta, located in the localities of Riosucio and Supía, department of Caldas, Colombia.

Historia de un despojo y de un litigio agrario: el caso de San José de Gracia y la presa Calles

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2009

Lo presente artículo trata de la cuestión de la disputa de tierras por parte de los indios deSan José de Gracia, desde el embate con el propietario de la Hacienda de Paredes, biencomo, posteriormente, hasta el inundamento de las tierras en consecuencia de la construcciónde la presa Calles. El inundamento trajo como consecuencia la salida de los indiosde su comunidad por medio de la expropiación. Los indios jamás recibieron indemnizacióny fueron dejados a su propia suerte.