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Infrastructural and Regulatory Bottlenecks of Intensification and Diversification of Regional Agricultural Trade and Value Addition in Tanzania

December, 2022

The purpose of this brief is to identify and summarize the critical bottlenecks related to the policy and regulatory environment, infrastructure, and public services that constrain the intensification and diversification of Tanzania’s intra-regional trade and value addition. Unlike Africa’s trade with the rest of the world, which mainly consists of primary commodities, intra-regional agricultural trade in the continent is heavily dominated by processed products.

Infrastructural and Regulatory Bottlenecks of Intensification and Diversification of Regional Agricultural Trade and Value Addition in Rwanda

December, 2022

The purpose of this brief is to identify and summarize the critical bottlenecks related to the policy and regulatory environment, infrastructure, and public services that constrain the expansion and diversification of Rwanda’s intra-regional trade and value addition. Unlike Africa’s trade with the rest of the world which mainly consists of primary commodities, intra-regional agricultural trade in the continent is heavily dominated by processed products.

Infrastructural and Regulatory Bottlenecks of Intensification and Diversification of Regional Agricultural Trade and Value Addition in Zambia

December, 2022

The purpose of this brief is to identify and summarize the critical bottlenecks related to the policy and regulatory environment, infrastructure, and public services that constrain the expansion and diversification of Zambia’s intra-regional trade and value addition. Unlike Africa’s trade with the rest of the world which mainly consists of primary commodities, intra-regional agricultural trade in the continent is heavily dominated by processed products.

Mapping social impacts of agricultural commodity trade onto the sustainable development goals

December, 2022

While international trade in agricultural commodities can spur economic development especially where governance is strong, there are also concerns about the local impacts of commodity production and their distribution on the environment and on people. The sustainable development goals (SDGs), though seeing trade as a means to support their achievement, recognise the need to address potential negative social and environmental impacts. It is therefore important to assess the contribution of international trade to the SDGs in commodity production areas.

Infrastructural and Regulatory Bottlenecks of Intensification and Diversification of Regional Agricultural Trade and Value Addition in Kenya

December, 2022

The purpose of this brief is to identify and summarize the critical bottlenecks related to the policy and regulatory environment, infrastructure, and public services that constrain the expansion and diversification of Kenya’s intra-regional trade and value addition. Unlike Africa’s trade with the rest of the world which mainly consists of primary commodities, intra-regional agricultural trade on the continent is heavily dominated by processed products.

Inventory of Policy, Strategic, and Legislative Instruments for the Transformation of the Livestock Sector in Ethiopia

December, 2021

Over the last three decades, the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) has come up with multiple development plans, policies and strategy documents and legal instruments that intend to transform the agricultural sector in general and the livestock sector in particular. In the past four years, the government’s focus seemed to shift from agriculture based economic transformation to industrialization focused national economic growth, while also recognizing the huge socio-economic potential of the livestock sector.

Enabling environment for circular bioeconomy sector in Burkina Faso

December, 2021
Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso has a huge opportunity and natural resources to develop circular bioeconomy (CBE) sector. The agricultural sector employs 63% of the employed workforce and contributes to 16% of the Gross Domestic Product. Large production of cereals results in large quantities of agricultural residues. In a country where the industrial sector is still in its infancy, CBE solutions offer significant opportunities for reconfiguring economies, labor and resource use. However, implementing CBE solutions remains at small scale and scaling up faces numerous challenges.

Demonstrating the benefit of agricultural biotechnology in developing countries by bridging the public and private sectors

December, 2022

The agricultural transformation of Brazil through soybean intensification in the Cerrado biome is the closest model that Africa could follow, given the similarities in land mass, shared biophysical constraints (especially soil), ecological diversity and low population density11. However, a single integrated market and regulatory environment must be created, and African scientists must lead the scientific innovation in Africa.

Dairy herd health and welfare management training report: Bahir Dar Zuria District, Amhara Region, Ethiopia

December, 2022

Bahir Dar Zuria District in the Amhara Region has emerged as a potential milkshed with flourishing market-oriented dairy farms. However, there are several herd health and animal welfare issues affecting milk production and productivity in the district. To address these challenges, a community-based participatory dairy herd health and welfare management training was conducted by ILRI, SAPLING herd health, and HEARD project from 25 July 2023 to 02 Aug 2023 in Bahir Dar Zuria District.

Pathways to Empowerment: Case Studies of Positive Deviances in Gender Relations in Ethiopia

December, 2022

Development efforts have increased women's perceived empowerment and freedom, yet have failed to sustainably alter gender norms. There is a lack of research investigating reasons for this anomaly. This study, departing from the conventional approach, tries to fill this gap by employing an interpretative phenomenological approach to assess how women have managed to achieve expanded agency while living within a constraining normative environment.

Impact of foliar application of zinc and magnesium aminochelate on bean physiology and productivity in Ghana

December, 2020

Foliar application of fertilizers can guarantee nutrient availability to beans, leading to higher yield and seed quality. Different approaches including glycine have been used to improve mineral nutrient status of plants toward safer products and improved human health. However, limited research has been undertaken to understand the response of beans to amino Zn and Mg foliar

Assessing the resilience of Kenya's food system: A production approach

December, 2022

A food system includes all elements (environment, people, inputs, processes, infrastructures, institutions, etc.) and activities that relate to the production, processing, distribution, preparation, and consumption of food, and the outputs of these activities, including socioeconomic and environmental outcomes (HLPE 2017). Thus, a food system links society and nature (Blesh and Wittman 2015).