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There are 3, 873 content items of different types and languages related to land law on the Land Portal.
Displaying 529 - 540 of 2821

Ley Nº 8.936 - Ley de conservación y protección de los suelos.

South America

La presente Ley establece el marco normativo relativo a: a) la conservación y control de la capacidad productiva de los suelos; b) la prevención de todo proceso de degradación de los suelos; c) la recuperación de los suelos degradados; y d) la promoción de la educación conservacionista del suelo. Estas disposiciones se aplican a todos los suelos rurales del territorio provincial, de propiedad pública o privada. En cuanto al marco constitucional, se prevé la conformación del Consejo de Protección de los Suelos (art. 4º).

Act No. CXXII of 2013 concerning agricultural and forestry land trade.

Eastern Europe

This Act lays down rules regarding the acquisition of property rights of agricultural and forestry lands, the institution of usufruct right on such lands, the use of land, the control on restrictions relative to the acquisition of land, and rules regarding local land commissions. This Act applies to all land in the national territory.

Land Code (Law No. 695-IQ).

Western Asia

The scope of Land Code shall be to regulate land relations originating from application of different types of land ownership rights, including duties of landowners, tenants, leaseholders, protection of land rights, application of rational land tenure, restoration and improvement of soil fertility, land re-cultivation and improvement of natural environment. Land property shall envisage public, municipal and private ownership, that have equal status and are equally protected by the Law (Art. 4).

Forestry Act, 2010 (No. 20 of 2010).


This Act makes provision for the management, development and protection of the forest resources of The Bahamas and for related matters.The Act consist of 36 sections divided into 9 Parts: Preliminary (I); Administration (II); Forest Reserves, Protected Forests and Conservation Forests (III); Protected Trees (IV); Leases, Licences and Permits (V); Forestry on Private Land (VI); Power of Officers (VII); Offences (VIII); Regulations (IX).The Act provides for the establisment of an agency in Government to be called the Forestry Unit.

Act on the protection of agricultural and forest land.

Eastern Europe

This Act lays down principles of protection of agricultural and forest land, recultivation and improvement of land quality. Agricultural lands are protected by: limitation of their allocation for other purposes; prevention from degradation and devastation; recultivation; and preservation of peat areas and natural water reservoirs. Forest lands are protected by: limitation of their allocation for other purposes; prevention from degradation and devastation; restoration of land value; and prevention from reduction of productivity.

Town and Country Planning Act, 1976 (Act No. 172).

South-Eastern Asia

This Act provides for town and country planning at various levels of administration.The Act provides for the establishment of a National Physical Planning Council and of a State Planning Committee which shall promote, regulate, control and advise on, the use and development of all lands in the State. The Council may form time to time establish a regional planning committee.The State Director shall make a development plan based on the review of existing developments in the State.

Spatial Information Act.

Western Europe

The purpose of the present Act is to transpose into national legislation the Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE). Article 1 of the above-mentioned Act establishes that the present Act regulates the creation, maintenance and organization of a national spatial data infrastructure. In particular the Act aims to provide authorities, economy, science and the public with spatial information in a sustainable, up to date, quick and simple way.

Land Survey Act.

Western Europe

The present Act lays down provisions relating to the: a) the installation and the tracking of cadastral survey forming the basis for the introduction and description of each property in the Land Registry; b) the documentation of the public private ownership restrictions.

Act on conservation and protection of agriculture land.

Western Europe

The present Act lays down provisions relating to the permanent protection of soil against misappropriation in order to guarantee self-sufficiency and conserve the rural structures. The text consists of 8 articles as follows: Principle (1); Separation of municipalities (2); Soil requirements (3); Safeguard of agricultural land (4); Deadline (5); Provisional agricultural zone (6); Proceedings (7); Entry into force (8).

Land Transaction Act.

Western Europe

The objective of the present Act is to safeguard the public interest on the occasion of transfer of land or parts thereof to guarantee an even distribution of land throughout the national territory. The text consists of 38 articles divided into8 Parts as follows: General provisions and definition of terms (I); Subject to authorization (II); Conditions and requirements (III); Land transaction authorities (IV); Procedure (V); Civil liability (VI); Penalties (VII); Transitional and final provisions (VIII).

Implemented by: Land Transaction Ordinance. (2013)

Loi n° 2011-07 du 30 mars 2011 portant régime de la Propriété foncière.

Western Africa

La présente loi est composée t de 96 articles répartis en 5 titres, à savoir: l’organisation du régime de la propriété foncière (I); le fonctionnement du régime de la propriété foncière (II); les sanctions (III); les frais et émoluments (IV); et les dispositions finales (V). Aux termes de cette loi, l’immatriculation d’un immeuble au livre foncier est précédée d’une vaste publicité et exige l’observation des formalités multiples et minutieuses destinées à sauvegarder les droits des tiers.

Ordonnance N°2010-54 du 17 septembre 2010 portant Code général des collectivités territoriales de la République du Niger

Western Africa

La présente loi fixe les règles et principes fondamentaux de la libre administration des collectivités territoriales (la commune et la région), leurs compétences et leurs ressources.Elle comprend 333 articles repartis en huit (08) parties ou livres, notamment les dispositions générales (Livre I; les collectivités territoriales et de leurs organes (Livre II); les transferts de compétences de l’Etat aux collectivités territoriales (Livre III); le fonctionnement des organes délibérants des collectivités territoriales (Livre IV); le régime financier des collectivités territoriales (Livre V); le