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Een Middeleeuwse samenleving : het land van Heusden (ca. 1360 - 1515)

Reports & Research
December, 1992

The Land van Heusden (at present Province of Northernsituated in the western part of the river-area of the Central Netherlands. In the medieval period it consisted of sixteen villages and the small town of Heusden, founded in the first half of the 13th century along the river Meuse, midway between two major cities, Dordrecht and 's-Hertogenbosch.

Mogelijkheden om de pacht te stimuleren

Reports & Research
December, 1983

Notitie over de faktoren die het teruglopen beinvloeden van de bereidheid van partikuliere verpachters om in Nederland landbouwgrond te verpachten. Gekonkludeerd wordt dat er weinig te verwachten is van de komende wijzigingen in de pachtwet en dat de mogelijkheden de pachtprijs te verhogen beperkt zijn

Onderzoek naar de bruikbaarheid van de opbrengstwaardeleer voor de taxatie van landbouwgronden

Reports & Research
December, 1959

After a survey of the development of the thinking in the Netherlands on the appraisal of agricultural lands, there is an analysis of the Ricardian view on the land rent. Ricardo's concept of rent proved to be tied to some specific suppositions. To him the size of population was endogenous. Mol placed the land rent in five different models, drawn up by him. In the first a legal fixation of the rent, which differed from the equilibrium rent, resulted in a deviation from the optimum size of the plant. An increase in prices of agricultural produce brought about a rise in land rent.

De gemeentegronden in Noord-Brabant en Limburg en hunne ontginning : eene geschied- en landhuishoudkundige studie

Reports & Research
December, 1927

In olden times the diluvial sands of the southern Netherlands around the village nucleus formed widespread heaths, fens and bogs. On them the farmers had rights of grazing, and of digging peat and turf. In Saxon areas in the eastern Netherlands these lands became common property (marches or commons, Du. marken), while in the south, under the influence of French law, the land became municipal property.

Over the centuries they were reclaimed on a small scale; new settlements and villages grew up.