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Displaying 109 - 120 of 528

Cash for Work in Sierra Leone : A Case Study on the Design and Implementation of a Safety Net in Response to a Crisis

May, 2013

This paper presents an assessment of the
first phase (2008?2009) of Sierra Leone's cash for work
program based on a qualitative and quantitative analysis
examining program design features, main processes and
impact. The assessment highlights that while cash for work
was an appropriate crisis response, the challenge of
achieving good targeting should not be underestimated.
Findings from the assessment point to high inclusion errors

Indonesia : Evaluation of the Urban Community Driven Development Program, Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mandiri Perkotaan

April, 2014

Indonesia's Program Nasional
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM) is the largest Community
Driven Development (CDD) program in the world covering all
urban wards (PNPM-Urban) and rural villages (PNPM-Rural) in
Indonesia. This policy note summarizes a comprehensive
process evaluation of the PNPM-Urban program which has been
carried by the Research and Development (RAND) corporation
in collaboration with survey meter, as well as a rapid

Hybrid Justice in Vanuatu : The Island Courts

May, 2014

Island courts have been in operation in
Vanuatu since 1984. Official documents have hitherto
provided little information on their practical operations or
utility, and our preliminary research in 2010 found that not
much was known at the state governance level about their
real circumstances. In 2011, we conducted fieldwork research
on five islands, Efate, Santo, Malekula, Epi, and Tanna, to
provide better information on the practical operations of

Transfers, Diversification and
Household Risk Strategies : Experimental Evidence with
Lessons for Climate Change Adaptation

April, 2012

While climate change is likely to
increase weather risks in many developing countries, there
is little evidence on effective policies to facilitate
adaptation. This paper presents experimental evidence on a
program in rural Nicaragua aimed at improving
households' risk-management through income
diversification. The intervention targeted agricultural
households exposed to weather shocks related to changes in

Does It Pay to Be a Cadre? Estimating the Returns to Being a Local Official in Rural China

June, 2012

Recruiting and retaining leaders and public servants at the grass-roots level in developing countries creates a potential tension between providing sufficient returns to attract talent and limiting the scope for excessive rent-seeking behavior. In China, researchers have frequently argued that village cadres, who are the lowest level of administrators in rural areas, exploit personal political status for economic gain.

Involuntary Resettlement in Brazil : A Review of Policies and Practices

March, 2013

The objective of this review of
resettlement policy and implementation in Brazil, is to
identify ongoing good practices, as well as areas for
further improvement. It draws upon an assessment of the
Brazilian legal and institutional framework related to land
acquisition for projects in the public interest, a rapid
evaluation of the resettlement programs in six projects
(three projects that received Bank financing and three

Energy Access and Productive Uses for the Urban Poor : Final Report on Ghana Scoping Study

March, 2014

The aim of the scoping study was to gain
an understanding of the productive activities slum dwellers
engage in that rely on energy services and the potentials
and challenges of slums in Ghana regarding access to modern
energy services and income generation from productive
activities. The objective of the ESMED-EAfUP (Energy Sector
Management Assistance Program - ESMAP/SME Development -
Energy Access for the Urban Poor) programme is 'to

Establishment and Management of Community Sanitary Complexes in Rural Areas : A Handbook

April, 2014

Indian remains one of the countries
wherein a lot of efforts are still required to eliminate the
practice of open defecation. In rural areas, open defecation
though reduced in scale continues to be a socially and
culturally accepted traditional behavior largely. Low
awareness of the potential health and economic benefits of
better sanitation and hygiene practices, perception of high
costs of having a toilet, the perceived convenience of open

What Did the Maoists Ever Do for Us? Education and Marriage of Women Exposed to Civil Conflict in Nepal

March, 2012

Between 1996 and 2006, Nepal experienced
violent civil conflict as a consequence of a Maoist
insurgency, which many argue also brought about an increase
in female empowerment. This paper exploits within and
between-district variation in the intensity of violence to
estimate the impact of conflict intensity on two key areas
of the life of women in Nepal, namely education and
marriage. Overall conflict intensity had a small, positive

Planning for Urban and Township Settlements after the Earthquake

August, 2012

This note builds on the proactive
measures taken by the Government of China as announced in:
(i) the Decree of the state council of the people's
Republic of China, issued on 9 June 2008, providing
regulations on post-Wenchuan earthquake reconstruction; (ii)
the Directive on Counterpart Assistance (Directive) of 11
June 2008; and (iii) the land policies to support the
reconstruction of Wenchuan (land policies) of 11 June 2008

Liberia : Inclusive Growth Diagnostics

March, 2013

Liberia aims to achieve middle-income
status by 2030 through broad participation and inclusive
growth. The Government's growth strategy aims to
accelerate growth through the exploitation of natural
resources, while maintaining sound macroeconomic policies,
improving the business environment, and prudently allocating
aid and commodity-based financing resources to expand
infrastructure and formal sector employment. However,

Rapid Appraisal of PNPM Neighborhood Development (and Poverty Alleviation Partnership Grant Mechanism)

January, 2015

The World Bank has had a long history of
supporting community driven development and urban upgrading
projects in Indonesia, reaching back to the 1970's. The
primary approach of all program nasional pemberdayaana
masyarakat (PNPM) urban projects is to provide block grants
at the kelurahan level to community trusts (BKM) that work
with their communities to identify, plan, and implement
activities (largely infrastructure) to improve urban