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Issues Land & Conflicts related News
Displaying 169 - 180 of 437
31 March 2020
New report alleges mine caused environmental devastation and ongoing health problems for communities Anglo-Australian mining giant Rio Tinto is accused of being responsible for “multiple human rights violations” after its Panguna mine on the island of Bougainville left people with a dangerous
27 March 2020
Ethiopia's Mursi tribe says they were imprisoned and tortured to protect Chinese sugar plantations. OMO VALLEY, Ethiopia — One night, in his village of 20 grass huts in Ethiopia’s Omo Valley, Golonkiwo had a nightmare. As a komoru, or mystic of the Mursi tribe, Golonkiwo’s duty is to receive and
10 March 2020
Marina, a 50-year-old farmer and human rights defender from Colombia’s mountainous Catatumbo region, has never known peace. Dotted with lime-green coca plantations, this fertile but remote area near the Venezuela border has suffered decades of conflict between the army, paramilitaries and multiple
25 February 2020
Channon Lumpoo, 27, was shot as he conducted exploration activities for a new gold mine in the region A Thai geologist working at a new gold mine in Bougainville has been shot dead in the second killing at a mining project in the autonomous region of Papua New Guinea in recent months.
2 November 2019
GENEVA - The U.N. human rights office is lambasting the Colombian government for failing to stop massacres of indigenous peoples by criminal gangs.   The latest atrocity occurred Tuesday in Tacueyo in Northern Cauca in southwest Colombia. Criminal groups trying to enter indigenous ancestral lands
25 October 2019
Karina García is the latest candidate to be killed ahead of local elections. Residents say the peace that a 2016 deal was supposed to bring has not arrived When she launched her campaign to be the town’s first female mayor, Karina García was already household name in Suárez, a conflict-ridden
10 October 2019
Individuals from Indonesia and Liberia embroiled in land disputes with oil palm plantations have visited the Netherlands to call on the Dutch banks facilitating these companies’ operations to take action. The companies in question are PT Astra Agro Lestari in Indonesia and Golden Veroleum Liberia,
30 September 2019
Forest Department is trying to register the land under their name without paying compensation, alleged owners Supposed land owners in four upazilas of Panchagarh have been claiming the land that the Forest Department acquired in 1967. Revisional Survey (RS Khatiyan) in Panchagarh is underway, which
27 September 2019
Study shows martial law in an island territory is also being used as pretext for violence President Rodrigo Duterte’s war on drugs and declaration of martial law in an island territory are being used as a pretext to attack people defending their land and environment in the Philippines, new
26 September 2019
She’d lived on this historically black D.C. block for 40 years. Now the city she knew was vanishing, and so was her place in it. She was moving slowly, but she needed to speed up. Her blue sandals clicked on the hardwood floor, echoing off the empty green walls of the two-bedroom rent-controlled
29 August 2019
The history of land acquisition in India is chequered, its implementation questionable, and compensation is only a matter of perspective. A farmers’ organisation has been arguing that the country doesn’t need more land laws but a restoration of the fundamental right to property. Does the argument
19 August 2019
The unending, sometimes deadly clashes involving Keta Lagoon indigenes and Seven Seas Salt Company located at Adina, in the Ketu South Municipality, has attracted international attention. The University of the Western Cape (UWC), South Africa, is currently hosting a short course on “The Political

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