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Guinea-Bissau has been described as a country of “precarious complexity”. Home to more than 20 ethnic groupings Guinea-Bissau fought one of the longest wars on the African continent to end centuries of Portuguese control. It finally


In the post-Soviet era, Georgia initially suffered from conflict, extensive outmigration, and a resultant contraction of its economy, before achieving sustained growth over the past decade. While urban and most arable land is now


An immense country in population and land size, land governance in India was significantly affected by the transition from a socialist to a market economy since the 1980s. There is complexity both due to the high number of laws relating


There is a strong recognition of rights to land and forests both in rural and urban areas in the Gambia. Land is governed by a complex and interlinked system of statutory and customary law and practices. Over the last three decades land


Sudan is the third largest country in Africa. Despite the end of the civil war in South Sudan, Sudan continues to experience internal conflicts, many of which started with issues related to the management of natural resources, and land.


The land issue, closely linked to natural resources, is a major challenge for economic and social development in Guinea. However, various factors contribute to weakening access to land for communities in urban and rural areas. In


Colombia is considered one of the countries with the greatest biodiversity in the world, due to its geographic location: landscapes range from the Amazon in the south, to the Andes in the middle zone, to the valleys and coasts of the


Eritrea has been described as a ‘garrison state’.  Following decades of war to win independence from Ethiopia in 1991, any social gains made by the Eritrean People’s Liberation Front (EPLF) during the liberation struggle were rapidly


Land has played a critical role in Tanzania’s historic trajectory. Current land tenure frameworks, resource governance, and related conflicts are closely intertwined with current neoliberal policies and land accumulation by foreign


The problems associated with land tenure in Ecuador are long-standing and have been characterized by the relationship between access, use and ownership of land, and by the problems of peasant and indigenous families and communities.


Senegal is unique in that it is the westernmost point of the African continent, located at the tip of the Almadies in Dakar, the country's capital. Both in urban and rural areas, land in this small country is highly coveted by domestic


With its 1,267,000 km², Niger is the largest country in West Africa. However, since two-thirds of its territory is located in the Sahara desert, agriculture is only possible in a strip corresponding to the southern third of the country.