African Convention on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (Revised version). | Land Portal

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The Contracting States, in the belief that objectives set out in the Preamble would be better achieved by amending the 1968 Algiers Convention on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources by expanding elements related to sustainable development, have agreed on measures to enhance environmental protection, to foster the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources; and to harmonize and coordinate policies in these fields with a view to achieving ecologically rational, economically sound and socially acceptable development policies and programs for the Convention area. Article IV sets out the fundamental obligation of the Contracting Parties to adopt and implement all measures necessary to achieve the objectives of this Convention, in particular through preventive measures and the application of the precautionary principle. Specific action with regard to land and soil, water, vegetation cover, animal and plant species and genetic diversity, protected animal and plant species, trade in animal or plant or micro organism, whether alive or dead, conservation areas, mitigation and elimination of detrimental effects on the environment, in particular from radioactive, toxic, and other hazardous substances and wastes, and sustainable development are set out in Articles VI to XV. Article XVII concerns protection of traditional rights including farmers' rights. Each Party shall establish or designate, if it has not already done so, a national authority empowered to deal with all matters covered by this Convention (Art. XXI). A Conference of the Parties is established at ministerial level, as the decision-making body of this Convention (Art. XXVI). A Secretariat of the Convention is established under section XXVII. Article XXX concerns the settlement of disputes between the Parties.

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